Production Services

  • Trailers

    From HMU trailers to cast trailers and more, we've got your production trailer needs covered.

  • Locations

    Browse our database of area locations, complete with contact info and other useful tools for your locatons department.

  • Producing Services

    Our in-house team is happy to provide local and regional assistance to any and all productions. We have an in-house Line Producer, UPM, and Production Supervisors to assist you with any and all production needs in New Mexico.

  • Costumes

    New Mexico's Leading costume house with expendables, costume staff referrals, and a stock of over 1 million pieces. New Mexico's go-to costume house!

  • Background Casting

    The combined reach of our casting partners means you're sure to get the very best for your project.

  • Insurance

    Monumental Studios is proudly partnered with HUB Entertainment to offer a wide range of production insurance.

  • Legal Services

    Monumental Studios is proudly partnered with Pierce Law Group LLP, a full-service boutique law firm.

  • Tax Incentive Help

    We can take the guesswork out, and uncover possibilities that you may have overlooked

We Are a Proud Sponsor of the New Mexico Film Guide!